Growing Cooler – $40

Product Description

The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change

Based on solid research by leading urban planning researchers.

  • Illustrates how compact development can be a crucial strategy in combating greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles.
  • Makes the case that one of the best ways to get people to drive less is to build pedestrian-friendly places with a mix of uses, where people can walk, bike, or take transit from their homes to offices, schools, restaurants, and shopping.
  • Uses charts, and graphs to demonstrate that many fewer miles will be traveled by car with compact development rather than with the current ubiquitous sprawl, which will result in a significant reduction in carbon emissions.
  • Provides facts on changing demographics, shrinking households, rising gas prices, and lengthening commutes and how they are contributing to increased consumer demand for smaller homes and lots, townhouses, and condominiums near jobs and other activities.
  • Recommends policy and program changes that can be implemented at the local, regional, state, and federal levels to make green, compact neighborhoods more available and more affordable

Creating Value: Smart Development and Green Design
- $40

Product Description

In this ground-breaking book, architect Vernon Swaback argues convincingly that financial success in real estate development will increasingly require design that is smarter, greener, and more sustainable.

Developing Sustainable Planned Communities – $40

Product Description

Demand for green buildings is rapidly growing as companies seek office space that reduces energy costs and increases worker productivity, and consumers seek energy efficient, healthy indoor environments, both at work and at home.

To Order

To order publications or obtain a full catalog of all ULI publications please send a note to Alexandra Rybak, or call (647) 258-0017.

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